Why Sourdough?

February 27, 2024

Why Sourdough?

Today, my best friend asked me a thought provoking question “What’s the deal with this Sourdough craze?  It seems like such a trend right now”? That was kind of hard for me to answer to be honest. I have been playing in dough for a handful of years but I’ve been more focused on Sourdough since 2022. My curiosity has grown for awhile as I have been following many of my favorite homesteaders and gardeners online and sourdough was always something they loved teaching, and I loved watching. Eventually, I thought I could have a go at this sourdough making. Little did I know what kind of life changing hobby I was about to emerge myself in.

How I got started

I purchased my first sourdough starter from Hannah with Ballerina Farm. I was quite intimidated by the process of keeping a starter alive and the idea of feeding something else in my house was not a big selling point. I actually waited for months before starting. At the time, I thought I needed to make sure I would be home for a week just to watch this baby starter..her name is Willa by the way.

The appeal for me was the creative art of forming the dough, and the result of a golden, crispy, warm loaf seemed so rewarding. And who doesn’t love bread? It also seemed to harken back to a simpler time; home made with love. That may be what intrigues me about owning land and getting some goats and chicks. I have the gardening aspect underway that’s for sure. But I am also clearly aware that some social media outlets romanticize farm life. I am not mistaken by how hard farm work can be. But tying on an apron and learning to bake bread seemed to come with the territory, and some how it suited me.

Learning to Master the Loaf

  I have learned that you do not have to own a farm or an apron to create a slower pace in your home. (I do have a cute little apron collection, though.) Baking sourdough bread creates a posture of intention and an innate insistence for patience.

The goal is to enjoy the process and it does not have to be perfect;  you do not need all the cool gadgets on the market. A bowl and spoon works just fine. However, I have loved my Danish whisk, bench scraper, and my Banneton proofing basket that have been gifted to me. They are not an absolute necessity, but having a strong lively starter, flour and water( filtered is recommended) are the most important. I do have a designated dutch oven with a lid that I bake my loaves in, as well. Any other bread loaf pan works well, too.

  I have found that no two loaves are the same. The weather outside, your temperature in the kitchen, the proofing time. And call me crazy, but even your attitude can cause a bum loaf or an amazing loaf-that hall of fame, “I am a pro at this” kind of loaf!

I find myself constantly challenging myself: What can I do better or was this loaf good enough, or man, I rushed that one!  Becoming a “master” baker was never really my intention, but rather, putting a smile on the faces of my family and loved ones. When they try a warm slice with salted butter, now that is rewarding to me. My daughter has loved making her own butter, and that is a fun process to do with your kiddos, as well!

The Art of the Loaf

   There are certainly many different methods you can try when attempting the most perfect loaf. I have searched many YouTube channels and bloggers for hours and tried many different techniques. I love John Kanell from the “Preppy Kitchen” and Jill Winger from “Old Fashioned on Purpose”  and Jill Ragan from Whispering Willow Farm.  They all have great videos with step by step instructions and even mini Sourdough courses on how to create your own starter and your own sourdough recipe.

As I write this, I have a fed starter on the counter ready to go and a loaf proofing in the fridge to bake tomorrow! So, for me I would say baking sourdough is more than a little hobby; it’s become a part of our lifestyle and a little therapeutic . And I hope to pass on the tradition to my daughter and grandkids one day.

As far as a trend, I’d say yes, that is quite possible, as things do come and go and maybe I have surpassed my mid-life crisis and jumped straight to my “Granny Era”, but there is no harm in this new found love. I do hope you give it a try and maybe you will soon discover what all the hype is about!

Happy Baking,



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